Sunday 18 December 2011

some life drawing from first semester


  1. I miss drawing naked people and I miss yoooouuuu!! But the drawings are looking good--the first my friend likes the most...but I really like the third one...I really like how you drew the back part of him and everything is ghosted. Good job.

    btw do you want a Japanese smoking pipe or do you already have that???

  2. thanks Ashley miss you toooo and i dont even know what a Japanese smoking pipe is fb me it :P

  3. I see I am not the only one to be creepin' up on this. It's kinda funny, like two hours ago I was wondering how much you guys and you specifically improved, and being all nostalgic like.

    I was like DAMN, your figures look awesome. Your line quality is pretty slick, and I love the fluidity of it! Aw man, these are the times I wish I was in animation. I am not using punctuation right. But I don't care.

    I haven't come to visit you guys because it makes me jealous because you guys have so much figure drawing and I HAVE TO PAY TEN DOLLARS for one session a week. And the fact I miss everyone so much. OCAD is kinda lonely. (and pretentious) So, you know. Just creeping on the facebook.

    ANYWAY, early next semester I want to drop by and say hi and see what you guys have been up too! Before you get too busy :) ANND, I mean you guys should have lots to show me because you've had a whole semester!

    Keep posting on here, so I can creep your drawings!

  4. lol thanks ratchel, you should come to senecas life drawing next semester they dont really mind if you come

  5. Your figure drawings are excellent! I really like no. 2 and 4, they are totally fluid and expressive. Looking forward to an update :)

    1. thanks alot, will try to update soon when i get a break from school work
